Why Cleaning your Roof is Necessary

The most important barrier between your home and family and the weather is your roof. You might be wondering if cleaning and inspecting your roof is worth your investment. The truth is, neglecting to maintain a healthy roof can lead to damage that might be expensive to repair. A clean, well-maintained roof will extend its life and value.

In this post, trusted roofing company JAM Roofing shares just why cleaning your roof is necessary.

Prevent Clogged Gutters

The most common task involved in roof cleaning is removing debris from rain gutters to allow rainwater to flow through the roof drainage system as intended and help prevent water damage to the exterior and interior of your home. Gutter cleaning is also a great time to check the general health of your roof.

Resist Stains

Ceiling stains are mostly caused by a leaky roof. Small leaks can lead to big problems, such as mold, rotted framing and sheathing, destroyed insulation and damaged ceilings. Consult a roofing contractor and have a leaky roof fixed immediately, no matter how minor it might look, before it gives way to more serious damage.

Eliminate Algae, Lichen and Moss

Other natural elements such as algae, lichen and moss can damage your residential and commercial roofing system. Not only do they stain your roof but they also weaken it. Algae is a bacterium that feeds off of both asphalt and limestone roofing in moist, cool and shaded areas of the roof. It spreads quickly from rooftop to rooftop in residential and commercial areas. Meanwhile, lichen is a combination of algae and fungus. It is tougher to remove from the roof and can reappear from humidity and rain. Lastly, unlike algae and lichens, moss is an actual plant. Since it requires a lot of moisture to survive, roof areas with less sunlight are more prone to moss reproduction.

When Cleaning Is Not Enough

In some cases, the algae, fungus or moss growth can be so severe that it will cause significant damage to your roof. At this point, roof cleaning is not enough. If your roof suffers from the common damages of poor roof maintenance, as mentioned, you may need to consider replacing your roof for a better solution. 

Consult JAM Roofing, your local roofing company. We have nearly 30 years of experience in roofing repairs and replacement. Call us at (541) 773-7663 or fill out our contact form. We serve clients in Oregon, including Medford and Grants Pass.