Summer: The Best Time to Perform Roof Maintenance

It is never a bad thing to perform roof maintenance at any time of the year. But if you want to make it a yearly task, the best time to do so is during the summer.Read on as JAM Roofing, your local roofing contractor, explains why.

Perfect Weather for Roof Inspections

Summer often has the most consistent weather. With less rain and more sunlight, this presents the perfect opportunity for you to check on your roofing system. The early and latter parts of the season give you the most ideal temperatures for doing maintenance work.

When you do the inspections, check for any problems that may be hiding within your roofing system. They are more likely caused by the weather conditions of the past few months, like rain and snow. The buildup of moisture could deteriorate your roof’s integrity, resulting in leaks later on.

Apart from leaks, it is also imperative that you also check the gutters. They may have suffered immensely during the past few months that they may no longer be structurally sound. Your inspections will determine if they are still able to hold up for upcoming fall and winter. At any sign of damage, be sure to contact your local roofing company for repairs.

Even Summer Can Give Your Roof Problems

Another reason summer is the best time to inspect your roof is that the season itself can give your roofing system a beating. The sun constantly emits ultraviolet radiation, which can harm your roof’s shingles. They dry out, crack and then fall off your roof, leaving it with spaces lacking protection from the elements. Depending on how old your roof is, it might need repair or replacement.

This summer, give your roof the much-needed care it deserves. By hiring the professional roofers of JAM Roofing, you preserve and extend the service life of your roofing system. Give us a call at (541) 644-8111 to learn about our roofing services. We serve Oregon homeowners and business owners, particularly in Grants Pass and Medford, OR.