Prioritize These Home Improvement Projects This Summer

Summer is arguably the best time to do home improvement projects since it’s a slow season, and that means you can usually get the job done faster. The weather is also perfect for home improvements such as roofing and siding installation. But what projects should you prioritize? JAM Roofing discusses home improvements projects that you should do this summer to make your home more comfortable, energy-efficient, and damage-free.

Roof Repairs and Replacements

Summer is the best time to do any roofing project since the weather is more cooperative. The timing is also perfect if you want to bolster your roofing before the colder seasons arrive. We suggest you get immediate repair on existing problems such as leaks, missing shingles, or flashings.

Our roofing contractor also suggests doing replacements during this time. For asphalt shingles, it’s better to get a new roofing system if it’s close to the end of its operating life span, which is around 20 years. Once it reaches this mark, any repair work will cost as much as replacement and may not be effective anymore.

Gutter Cleaning and Maintenance

Since there are fewer showers and storms during summer, the season would be a good time to do some much needed gutter cleaning and maintenance. It’s something that not many people look forward to, but it’s important since your gutter system protects your home from elemental damage.

If you have blockages in your gutters, we highly recommend you have them addressed as soon as possible. Not only is there a risk that the water clogging might spill, the blockage puts unnecessary weight on the roofline and it might physically damage it in the long run.

Attic Insulation

Finally, we suggest you invest in attic insulation if you haven’t yet. Installing the right home installation will help make your home more energy-efficient all year round, cooling your property during summer and warming it during the colder seasons.

Our roofing company is ready to help you with your home improvement projects. Give us a call at (541) 644-8111 for more information on our services. We offer roofing contractor serves customers throughout Medford and Grants Pass, OR, as well as other parts of Oregon.